In case after this short report you still intend to travel India, here some useful tips for your journey:
Please refer to your government's official homepage.
Besides the usual vaccinations such as polio, diphteriea & tetanus you should be protected against Hepatitis A
& B as well as
Tollwut. Further a good protection against Malaria is recommended.
Can be either taken to India as traveller cheques or cash. Actually I
could get money with my EC-card as in most countries I visited (except
India is typical diarrhea country. So do not forget your pills...!
You are well advised to carry some toilet paper with you. Indian
toilet hygiene is different!!! Do not rely on having paper when it is
urgently required. In addition you should take desinfectional spray
with you (mind restrictions during flight!).
You may not believe it, but even colds and sick necks can make your
stay uncomfortable. Mainly caused by air conditions and open windows
while driving they are frequently affecting travellers.